Consolidated statement of changes in equity For the year ended 31 December 2013

Share capital
Share premium account
Own shares
Other reserves
Hedging and translation reserves
Retained earnings
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent
Non-controlling interests
Total equity
1 January 2012 (as previously reported)33.0176.9(6.7)143.124.7110.3481.31.3482.6
Impact of IAS 19 (revised)(0.3)(0.3)(0.3)
1 January 2012 (as restated)33.0176.9(6.7)143.124.7110.0481.01.3482.3
Net profit for the year67.
Exchange differences on translation of overseas operations(14.2)(14.2)(14.2)
Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension schemes net of deferred tax(4.1)(4.1)(4.1)
Total comprehensive income for the year(14.2)
Issue of share capital0.
Acquired in the year / settlement of share options(4.6)(5.0)(1.4)(11.0)(11.0)
Share-based payments3.93.93.9
Deferred tax on share-based payment transactions1.01.01.0
Dividends paid(21.3)(21.3)(21.3)
Realisation of revaluation surplus(0.4)0.4
31 December 201233.1177.1(11.3)141.610.5151.7502.71.4504.1
Net profit for the year73.
Exchange differences on translation of overseas operations(3.0)(3.0)(0.1)(3.1)
Movement on hedges of net investments(1.3)(1.3)(1.3)
Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension schemes net of deferred tax(0.4)(0.4)(0.4)
Total comprehensive income for the year(4.3)72.668.368.3
Acquired in the year / settlement of share options5.8(5.1)(4.2)(3.5)(3.5)
Share-based payments3.63.63.6
Deferred tax on share-based payment transactions(0.3)(0.3)(0.3)
Dividends paid(24.0)(24.0)(24.0)
Disposed with subsidiary(1.5)1.5
Purchase of non-controlling interests(0.8)(0.8)
31 December 201333.1177.1(5.5)140.14.7197.3546.80.6547.4

Included in other reserves is the capital redemption reserve arising on redemption of the Group's B shares of £129.4m (2012: £129.4m) and the share-based payments reserve of £9.2m (2012: £10.9m).

The own shares reserve represents the cost of shares in Bodycote plc purchased in the market. At 31 December 2013 2,035,618 (2012: 4,373,136) ordinary shares of 17 311p each were held by the Bodycote International Employee Benefit Trust to satisfy share-based payments under the Group's incentive schemes (see note 26).