Operating an international network of facilities, Bodycote is the world's leading provider of thermal processing services.

Experienced in supporting large multinational customers and their supply chains, as well as local niche specialists, Bodycote provides a vital link in the manufacturing process for virtually every market sector including aerospace and defence, automotive, power generation, oil & gas, construction, medical and transportation.

Financial highlights

Revenue £619.6m
Headline operating profit £107.4m
Headline operating cash flow £108.9m
Basic headline earnings per share 41.2p
Ordinary dividend per share 13.5p
Special dividend per share 10.0p
Return on capital employed 19.9%

Chairman's statement

"Bodycote has once again delivered value in terms of total shareholder return and remains in a strong financial position."

More on Chairman's statement

Chief Executive's review

"In 2013 improvements in business mix, plus the full year effect of the 2012 acquisitions, enabled Bodycote to achieve good growth and strong returns, despite weak markets in the early part of the year."

More on Chief Executive's review

Strategic report

The Group Strategic report provides a review of the business for the financial year and describes how we manage risks.

The report outlines the developments and performance of the Group during the financial year, the position at the end of the year and discusses the main trends and factors that could affect the future.

More on Strategic report